Born in 1952 (Kharkov Ukrain), works and lives in Denmark

Architecture, Paintings , Drawing, Photography, Installation, Collage



Sergey Nielsen is the idendity of the author of the special project Close up and private (CUAP)

SERGEI SVIATCHENKO is a Ukrainian born, Danish citizen, architect and artist. Born in Kharkov, Ukraine. Graduated from Kharkov Academy of Art and Architecture, followed by a PhD at the Kiev School of Architecture /Means of Visual Information in Architecture/. In1990 he moved to Denmark. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions across Europe, Canada and the USA. In 2002 he founded Senko Studio, it's the place where Sviatchenko as curator presents various pieces of art produced by emerging and promising artists and photographers. He has been commissioned on numerous occasions to create art for architectural and environmental use for PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jyske Bank, Nokia, Grundfos, Sonofon, The Danish Business Academy, Danish Parlament. Sergei Sviatchenko was chosen as one of five emerging new art image-makers from around the world, to feature in the launch of the new Varoom magazine May 2006, London.

Sergei Sviatchenko stands out as an artist with a unique vision; encompassing our ever-shifting creative vocabulary whilst maintaining a precise, individual voice which underpins his work to stand both conceptually and creatively above the tide of visual messaging in today's visual culture, revealing the unique creative vision of this truly contemporary artist. Faye Dowling, Photographic Editor, curator.

Richard Brereton CUT & PASTE, 21st Century Collage. Laurence King Publishing, London.

In April 2009 he founded Close Up And Private, is an on-going photo art project, dedicated to the visual language of style and celebrating classic details and contemporary looks through unique photographic documentary.

Sergey Nielsen is born.



Sergey Nielsen (aka Sergei Sviatchenko) (Dan. Denmark)

sans titre / no title. 2011
Peinture sur toile / Painting on canvas
60 x 80 cm / 23.6 x 31.5 inch



